How to Stay Focused in a Zoom Class: Adults and Children

How to Stay Focused in a Zoom Class: Adults and Children

2020 saw the rise of video conferencing services, and nowadays, you probably own a Zoom account and you’re likely still attending Zoom classes in an effort to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. You may find it even more difficult to pay attention than when classes were face-to-face.

You are not alone. Screen fatigue is real and plaguing just about everyone these days. Even so, you can take concentrated steps to push yourself forward and better focus on the lessons educators are trying to teach not only you but other adults, young adults and children around the country.

Tips for Attending Zoom Class as an Adult or Young Adult

Staring at a screen for the better part of the day is a difficult task under normal circumstances. Considering the stress that comes with the COVID-19 pandemic, attending Zoom classes seems an impossible request sometimes but even so, it’s important to stay consistent with your education. As a first tip,  activating your webcam motivates you to get ready for the class as usual.  

Furthering your education, even in these strange times, can help you better prepare for your future. With that in mind, what steps can you take to eliminate distractions and stay focused on your lectures during the whole class? Consider:

  • Distraction-free space, either by closing your door, asking your spouse to watch your children, or hiring a babysitter for a few hours at a time.
  • Annotation on paper as opposed to in a word processor.
  • Third-party software for the functionality to block your access to social media platforms.
  • Remove any televisions or gaming systems from the room you’re working in.
  • Keep a snack on hand to both occupy your hands and your mind.
  • Make a to-do list involving your classwork.

When feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to take a quick break from your class. Head to the bathroom, wash your face, and then come back to your lecture. You’re living through strange and unusual times; as long as you have the opportunity to revisit what you missed or get your hands on the PowerPoint presentation, it won’t hurt to take a moment or two to yourself.

Learning Styles and Zoom Classes

Some of the best ways to keep on topic involve determining how you learn best. If you’re more of a kinetic learner as opposed to a visual or audible learner, then Zoom classes can feel like torture, even in small groups. There are things you can do to imitate a hands-on experience while still sitting at your desk. It may be in your best interest to invest in a fidget spinner or some other puzzle to fiddle with as you work. While these tools may not seem to have anything immediately to do with your lesson, they’ll keep your fingers moving and imitate the feeling of being in a class session and getting your hands dirty as you work.

Google Hangout and Zoom Tips for Children

If you think focusing on a Zoom class session or meeting is difficult, imagine what a strain it is for a child. Children all across the United States are now attending online school either part time or full time. These kids often have a difficult time during the class and trying to focus when they’re in a zoom session and among their friends. Without a teacher’s immediate supervision, it can become even more difficult for your child to learn the basics they need to progress throughout their education.

Unfortunately, many of the tricks that can help both adults and young adults focus on their classes won’t work with kids. Instead, you can try myriad tricks like:

  • Keep snacks on hand as class begins.
  • Bring all necessary utensils to the table before class begins.
  • Make sure your child’s gone to the bathroom before the zoom meeting starts.
  • Stay in the room with your child, provided that doing so seems appropriate, and gently remind them to stay on task throughout their class.
  • Use third-party software to keep your child from getting on social media while they should be paying attention.
  • Pin the speaker view so they focus on the teacher 

Above all else, don’t get frustrated if it seems like your child isn’t immediately paying attention to what their teacher is saying. Again, staring at a screen for the better part of the day is not going to help your child’s attention span. Instead, if you think your child is zoning out or misbehaving during their Zoom lessons, sit down and talk to them. See if you can provide your child with a toy or fidgeting tool that might help them stay on task while in their online space. Alternatively, explore different learning environments that might lend themselves to improved focus.

These days are all about improvisation. With that in mind, don’t hesitate to get creative as you’re helping your child focus on their classes.

Zoom Etiquette

Zoom etiquette is different for every professor or teacher currently adjusting to this new system of learning. If you’re not sure what kind of rules a teacher has in place, read through their syllabus, if available, on Canvas or Blackboard. Alternatively, you can reach out to schedule a meeting during office hours or communicate via email. Also, make sure your meeting id shows your picture and name, especially if you plan on having your webcam off.

Remember that you should work within the boundaries a supervisory body sets to ensure that you can comfortably keep your attention on the online class session at hand. If your professor requires you to be at a desk instead of your bed, make sure that you’re at a desk, but keep a footstool nearby if you want to prop up your feet. If a teacher discourages snacking while you’re in class, keep snacks off-screen or swap out your usual go-to snacks for water or a drink. 

At the end of the day, you’ll have better luck paying attention in class if you’re happy and comfortable. While you can’t fix everything that’s wrong in the world, you can still take steps to ensure you have what you need to stay focused on your class without annoying a professor or teacher.

How to Participate in Zoom Class

Each professor or teacher will have their own interpretations of what qualifies as acceptable participation while you’re in a Zoom class. The basics of online class session participation can include but are not limited to:

  • Use the raise hand button
  • Make sure to unmute your microphone and mute it when your participation is complete 
  • Respond to any polling or non-verbal feedback the host shares 
  • Say hi via chat to co-hosts and other participants

If you’re not sure how to best interact with your teacher, suggest the use of breakout rooms at the end of one of the sessions, head over to the meeting settings and do be afraid to share your suggestions, all the while, be sure to keep your language respectful and understand that technical difficulties, like slower internet connections or problems with someone’s Zoom account, may make it more difficult for your to communicate with both your teacher and your peers in real-time.

Zoom classes are a new and ever-developing step in the world of education. While paying attention in class can be a struggle for everyone at one point or another, you can still take steps to make the process more bearable.

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