Pay Down Your Student Loans with Upromise

Make Money for College and College Loans & Earn Cash Back

Paying off student loans is hard and can take seemingly forever. Upromise helps you pay down your student loan debt faster by rewarding you for the things you already do.

Since Upromise links directly to your bank account (or 529 account), every dollar you spend through the Upromise program earns cash back for college or for student loans.

Every purchase and swipe of your Upromise® World Mastercard® is earning cash back rewards that goes into your Upromise account. Plus with hundreds of participating stores, Upromise has got just about every purchase you ever make covered. Grocery, travel, clothing, home improvement, auto repair, and more — up to 20% cash back.

Once you link a financial account to your Upromise account, your earned cash back rewards will transfer once they hit the minimum monthly threshold. You can choose to pay back student loans by transferring your Upromise cash back rewards to your linked checking or savings account. From there, you can allocate the money to pay down your student loans. Or, you may link a 529 college savings plan to your Upromise account and pay down any student loan debt that way (up to $10,000 lifetime maximum).

Sign up for free and use the Upromise rewards platform. And you get a free $30 cash bonus for joining Upromise and linking your 529 college savings plan. 

What Is Upromise and How Does it Work?

You could be earning more than $1,000 a year in free money using Upromise. You earn cash rewards for shopping and dining at thousands of participating stores and vendors. Those funds are put in your Upromise account for you to use for college savings or toward paying down student loan debt.

This means you can easily put an extra $1,000 a year towards your student loans without taking on a second job or changing any of your habits.

Life already costs a lot of money, and you’re already spending plenty. So say your online purchases (Home Depot, Old Navy, Best Buy, and more) and dining out bills come to $10,000 a year. Make those purchases through Upromise, you could earn up to $1,000 in cash back.  With the cash back rewards credit card (separate option), that’s even more. 

And with typical annual return rates of 6% for college savings plans, the idea of combining Upromise and a 529 plan is the smartest way to pay off student loans. 

Once you sign up for Upromise, it’s easy to keep tabs on your cash back rewards. The best part is seeing those points rack up and knowing that they’ll help pay off student loans faster or provide a cushion of savings if there’s a month you’re cash-strapped. 

Finance Gurus Love Upromise

The finance experts and finance journals are going crazy for Upromise.

Upromise has been featured in Student Loan Hero (The Lending Tree) as a good way to pay off student loans early without changing any of your habits, and in NerdWallet and MoneyCrashers. And the finance gurus at Investopedia have called Upromise a great source for free cash for student loans.

What’s a 529 Plan? 

We’ve always been told to save for college, but a lot of people don’t know where to start. 529 plans are easy and accessible for everyday families who want that extra help saving up money to give their kids the best education possible. 

529 plans are easy and accessible, and give you a solid return on investment. Most plans see upwards of 4% to 8% a year (or more) in interest. And as long as the funds go towards tuition and qualifying education expenses, there’s no tax penalty. This is a much better deal than traditional savings accounts at the bank that get around 0.25% per year in interest. 

And 529 plans are great for student loan debt holders as well. 529 funds can be used for tuition, enrollment fees, qualifying academic expenses and even for paying off student loan debts

Can I Use 529 Plans to Pay Student Loan Debt?

Yes! With the passage of the SECURE Act in December 2019, up to $10,000 from your 529 plan can be used (without tax consequences or penalties) to repay student loans. This includes federal and most private loans. 

And there are some student loan holders specifically to pay off student loan debts after they’ve already finished their studies. 

Upromise is Not Just Another Shopping Rebates App 

There are plenty of cash back shopping websites and apps that exist. So many that it can get overwhelming. Get PayPal deposits once a quarter. Cash out at $1 on Swagbucks (with an Amazon gift card), or at $20 on iBotta. And then there’s a zillion browser extensions, too. 

Upromise is the only cash back shopping app built for 

  • Families to save money for college.
  • Borrowers to pay off student loan debts. 
  • Seamless integration with 529 plans. Upromise is the only shopping app that can be linked to ALL 529 plans in existence. 

Every month, five Upromise members win a $529 scholarship. Members are drawn at random, and funds are placed in your Upromise account. 

And if you have their reward credit card, you can earn cash back on all of your purchases. Every time you swipe your card, you’re taking a bite out of your student loans.You’re earning cash back to pay off your student debt. How many other shopping apps give you this feeling of satisfaction? 

Earn rewards on the platform that you can put towards your 529 plan and student loan debts. Any 529 plan can be linked to your Upromise account. 

If you don’t already have a 529 plan account, you can set one up. Or just withdraw your earnings directly and put them towards your student debt. 

Get $30 Free When You Sign Up for Upromise 

The path to college, and to student loan repayment, can seem long. When you join Upromise for free, there are thousands of easy ways to earn cash for the day-to-day purchases you make. 

Additionally, when you sign up for free for Upromise and link your 529 plan you’ll get $25 added to your Upromise account for free.

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529 Plans by State

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