Nevada 529 Plan Basics

While we are providing general information about the state’s 529 plan, please consult the Plan Description and Participation Agreement for more detailed information and facts about the plan.

A 529 plan is a savings plan that encourages education savings for qualified higher education expenses: college, vocational, or other post-secondary learning. 529 plan funds can also go to private high school or K-12 tuition at a qualified tuition program.

Unlike a traditional savings account or bank account, your money grows tax-deferred in a 529 account and qualified distributions are federal tax and state tax free.

Different states have different state plans with different investment options and different tax benefits. They will also have different minimum contribution (and subsequent contribution) requirements and plan fees. You are not required to open a 529 plan in your home state. Nevada families can open a 529 plan in any state that accepts out-of-state enrollments.

Nevada offers six state plans:

  1. Future Path 529 Plan (formerly SSGA Upromise 529 Plan)
  2. Nevada Prepaid Tuition Program
  3. Vanguard 529 College Savings Plan
  4. USAA 529 Education Savings Plan
  5. Putnam 529 for America
  6. Wealthfront 529 College Savings Plan

Future Path 529 Plan (formerly SSGA Upromise 529 Plan) is a direct-sold plan that does not require residency and comes with 0.28% – 0.89% fees. This plan offers a variety of investment options that use SPDR ETFs as the main investment vehicle. The Plan is managed by Ascensus College Savings with State Street Global Advisors as the investment manager. The program features age-based, risk-based and static portfolio options utilizing SPDR ETFs, and a savings portfolio option.

The Future Path 529 Plan (formerly SSGA Upromise 529 Plan) requires a minimum initial contribution of $15, and then subsequent minimum contributions of $15 per month or $45 per quarter. Automatic investments can be set up via payroll deductions.

The Nevada Prepaid Tuition Program, which is a prepaid plan that requires Nevada residency and comes with an enrollment fee. This prepaid tuition program offers a variety of tuition packages. In addition to Nevada residents, it is open to family of University of Nevada alumni.

The Vanguard 529 College Savings Plan, offered by Nevada, is available to residents of any state. This is another direct-sold plan option, and plan fees range from 0.19% to 0.49%.The Vanguard plan requires a minimum contribution of $1,000 for Nevada residents or $3,000 for out of state residents. The minimum contribution requirement is only $50 if it is made through an employer automatic investment. It also requires subsequent minimum contributions of $50.

The USAA 529 Education Savings Plan, offered by Victory Capital and administered by Nevada, is a direct-sold plan that is available to residents of any state, features age-based and static portfolio options and can be linked to the Upromise rewards service. Plan fees range from 0.45% – 0.90%. Additionally, Victory Capital offers guidance from U.S.-based investment specialists at no additional cost and without the wait, as well as, potential bonus opportunities. Get started with a $50 initial investment with automatic recurring contributions of at least $50 per month or a $250 initial investment. Visit

The Putnam 529 for America plan is an advisor-sold plan that offers a multitude of investment options. Plan fees range from 0.55% – 1.33%. Putnam Investments 529 savings plan offers an age-based option, 3 goal-based options, 10 individual-fund options, and also 2 options consisting of the Putnam Absolute Return Funds. As it is an advisor-sold plan, it comes with the guidance of a financial advisor making informed investment decisions. The plan requires a $25 minimum initial contribution, but that minimum is currently being waived.

The Wealthfront 529 College Savings Plan is an advisor-sold plan sponsored by the State of Nevada. Ascensus Broker Dealer Services, Inc. is the program manager. Wealthfront is a completely online platform serving as an automated investment advisor. Wealthfront conducts a risk assessment for each account owner. Then it combines risk tolerance level with the beneficiary’s expected enrollment date to allocate participants to one of twenty custom portfolios. These portfolios may be allocated among up to nine mutual funds and ETFs from iShares and Vanguard. The Wealthfront 529 plan requires a $500 minimum initial contribution and subsequent contributions of at least $100.

Any of Nevada’s 529 plan accounts can be linked to the UPromise rewards service. You can find more information about Nevada’s 529 plans at the Nevada State Treasurer website, Nevada College Kickstart, or Earn an extra $25 bonus when you connect a 529 account to your Upromise profile.

What are some Nevada 529 plan benefits and tax advantages?

Funds you invest in a 529 plan grow tax-deferred. And funds that the student eventually withdraws from the plan towards qualified educational costs are free from federal taxes.

A common misconception is that these 529 plan assets will disqualify your child from financial aid. On the contrary, 529 plan funds are treated more favorably in the financial aid formula than other savings in your child’s name through a custodial account such as an UTMA/UGMA. This is because assets in a child’s 529 plan belong to the parent not child, and FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) gives preferential tax treatment to assets belonging to a student’s parent versus the student.

If your child is an Einstein or football star, and manages to score a free ride to school, you can still repurpose those funds. You can take out an amount equal to the scholarship fund amount from the 529 plan without incurring the 10% penalty tax fee you’d normally have to pay on funds not going to qualified education costs. (You would have to pay regular ordinary income taxes on earnings, but there would be no penalty. Alternatively, you can leave the funds in a 529 plan to be used at a later date by this beneficiary or a direct relative of the original beneficiary.)

And for many, a 529 plan can be used to transfer wealth. Contributing to a 529 plan lets grandparents or other contributors reduce the size of their taxable estate while helping them fund a grandchild’s or family member’s education. It’s even possible to make five years worth of contributions in a single year, up to $75,000 (or $150,000 for married couples) and still get the gift tax exclusion.

Is a 529 plan tax deductible in the state of Nevada?

No, Nevada does not offer state tax deductions for 529 plan contributions.

What happens to a Nevada 529 Plan if not used?

There is no time in which the funds within a Nevada 529 plan need to be withdrawn. Unused funds can remain in the account and continue to grow tax-deferred.The account owner may also choose to change the beneficiary, without penalty, to another individual with a social security number who is a member of the original beneficiary’s family and a United States citizen. This is not limited to immediate family members; funds can be transferred to cousins, nieces, nephews, and other close relatives. The account owner can close the account if not used, but funds in the account will be subject to federal and state income tax as well as a 10% penalty on the account earnings.

And as outlined earlier in this article, 529 plans allow the account owner to withdraw the amount a beneficiary receives in scholarships without incurring the 10% penalty.

Can a Nevada 529 Plan lose money?

Yes, a 529 plan is an investment plan with different types of investment options. The investment options offer different levels of market risk.

Speak with a qualified financial advisor about your financial goals and different investment portfolio options.

Do I need a Nevada 529 Plan for every child?

You don’t need a Nevada 529 plan for each child but you may find it easier to administer if you do. You can only have one named beneficiary on a Nevada 529 plan. The risk and mix of equities to fixed income of certain investment options is determined by the age of the beneficiary. For this reason, you may want to have a different 529 plan for each child.

You may be interested to know that multiple people can open accounts for the same beneficiary.

Can a Nevada 529 plan be used to pay off student loans, apprenticeships, and K-12 private schools?

Nevada 529 plans can be used to pay tuition at K-12 private schools and to pay student loans up to $10,000 annually. 529 plans can also be used to pay for registered apprenticeship programs.

How do financial aid and scholarships affect a Nevada 529 plan?

A 529 plan can affect financial aid, but the impact is dependent on the account owner and their tax situation, not the beneficiary.

If the account is held by the parent or guardian of the student, funds within are considered parental assets. The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) calculation for parent assets is a maximum of only 5.64% versus 20% for the students assets.However, if the 529 plan is held by a grandparent or extended family member, while the assets are not taken into account for the FAFSA EFC, distributions from these accounts qualify as student income, which is assessed at 50%.

529 accounts do not affect merit-based scholarships. Other scholarships may depend based on the school.

Start saving towards a Nevada 529 plan

Sign up for Upromise and start earning cash back rewards to help save for college. Earn an extra $25 bonus when you connect a 529 account to your profile.

529 Plan Basics by State

Check out these College Savings: 529 Plan Basics by State

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